Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion uses an adjustable applicator head that removes dead surface skin cells and initiates cellular  turnover at the dermis and epidermis levels in a safe controlled manner. This approach respects the integrity of the  skin and promotes even healing. Maintaining even cellular growth on the surface aids in the youthfulness of the  skin’s appearance.

  • What is the results of Microdermabrasin treatment?

Microdermabrasion has been used to treat aging and sun-damaged skin, some types of acne and acne scarring,    altered pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, and stretch marks. Results may include improved skin tone, fewer  breakouts, diminished appearance of scars, even skin color, refined skin pores, renewed elasticity, and a healthy  glow.

  • Is Microdermabrasion safe during pregnancy?

If you’re pregnant, we will not give you this treatment, no matter how gentle. This is because of the hormonal  imbalance and the increase skin sensitivity pregnant women have.

Microdermabrasion can actually harm you more than help you during pregnancy as your skin and hormones could  react badly to getting the top layer of your dermis rubbed off. You may get worse melasma, massive breakouts and  even more uneven skin tone.

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